Resources includes:
PDF files for you to print. You could also use them on the IWB.
Various signs to display around role play around: A4 signs for garage, car wash and petrol station, open and closed, please pay here, entrance, exit, fire exit, no smoking, mobile phones off, all credit cards accepted, check your tyres, price list, opening times, car wash advertisement, petrol special offer advertisement, MOT advertisement, MOT test centre sign, MOT checklist poster, special offer signs, waxing area, tyre inflation, vacuum, car supplies sign, welcome to the car wash sign.
Writing for purpose: booking form, jobs list, inspection log, stock order form, kit checklist, receipt, feedback form, repairs booking form, telephone message pad.
Other role play resources: blank hand puppet to make, coins to use for payment,, parking bay signs, price cards, photo pack, garage supplies flashcards, staff of the day poster, staff badges.
Other resources such as: acrostic poem to complete, alphabetical order worksheet, draw car wash supplies, mind map, topic introduction page, draw a mechanic in uniform, writing pages with themed pictures, writing booklet cover to complete project work, key word cards, resources sack tag.
Display: extra large letters to spell garage and car wash, 3 long banners for garage, car wash an petrol station, patterned and plain border to edge wall display.
Resources included are as follows:
18 PDF files for you to print.
A4 emotions posters – 9 posters each with a standing Lego person
A4 emotions posters – each with Lego face showing different emotions
A4 emotions poster – showing all faces
Matching cards – faces and emotions words to match together
Lego people outlines to colour and add emotions to faces
Long banner, large lettering, display borders
Small emotions cards for pupils to use at their desks
Work booklet cover
3 writing tasks
Sentence writing sheet for topic summary
Word search
8 Lesson Course
Suitable for Key Stage 2- Key stage 4.
These great resources to print and use in your school or community centre. They are unique colourful resources designed and tested by teachers. Save yourself hours of planning time with this –PRINT and GO- Anger management resource pack.
The pack includes the following:
•8 Full lessons as detailed below
•Lesson Objectives in large print to display on the board
•Lesson plans including back up plans for difficult behaviour and extension activities
•Lessons all include starter activities, lots of main activities and plenary activities.
•Learning objectives and outcomes clearly shown
•Attendance log
•Achievements log
•End of course assessment
•Certificate of attendance
•Display materials.
8 full lessons approximately and hour in length, plus different activities, such as research activities, art and design activities and ICT activities which have various time lengths from 10 minutes to a couple of hours.
Lessons outlines are as follows:
1.What is anger? / Anger is a normal emotion and one of many.
2.What causes anger?
3.What happens to myself and others when I get angry?
4.Ways to deal with anger.
5.Passive, assertive and aggressive, and ways to defuse anger.
6.Relaxation techniques.
7.Self talk
8.Reflecting on what I have leant about anger and an action plan for the future.
The course is based around kinaesthetic / hands on activities with lessons including tasks such as reading, writing, speaking, listening, picture/word matching, colouring, thinking, role play, videos, playing card games, cutting and sticking, individual work, pair work, group work.
This course is designed by teachers for teachers to save you hours of time.
Resources for you to use over and over again. Everything you need is included. You will not have to find anything else – PRINT and GO!!
Resources included are as follows:
PDF files for you to print. You could also use them on the IWB.
Sequencing activity, character study, story board, animal flashcards, question pack, snap game, a full range of writing activities, bingo game, quiz, anagram worksheet, hedgehog facts posters, photo pack, scene from the story photo pack, nocturnal animals poster and flashcards, character name cards, deign and drawing activities, hand puppets, book marks, colouring pages, addition game, adjectives writing task, road safety tasks, crossing the road flashcards, extra large road safety items for display, number flashcards, road crossing information posters, large speed signs, letters bunting, large letters to head display, long banner, display borders, word search and other resources.
Included on the disc are the following resources:
1.Interactive White Board Presentation – covering all the key facts about the country – such as history, geography, language, landmarks, tourism etc.
2.A4 posters of photos of different things around the country – such as monuments, landmarks, mountains, scenery, homes, people etc
3.Airport departure board for display
4.Display lettering to make a departure board for different destinations
5.Writing borders to frame written work
6.Counting 5 minute lesson starters
7.100 world flags in A4 size
8.Coat of Arms from Mexican flag in A4 size for display
9.Colour in bingo game showing different foods eaten in Mexico
10.Burrito recipe – easy recipe for pupils to cook
11.Diary to complete – for activities, sight seeing, weather, food etc
12.Colouring pages of local foods, maps, activities, sites etc
13.Display flashcards with major topics relating to the country
14.A4 letters to spell out country name
15.Long banner with country name on to head a display
16.Draw local lunchbox food task
17.Food flashcards of different well known foods from Mexico
18.Blank luggage tag to complete
19.Blank speech and thought bubbles to complete in role plays
20.Flashcards for days of the week in English and Spanish
21.Extra large flag for display (Covering 3 x A4 pages)
22.Draw your favourite things from the country task
23.Flag colouring in pages
24.Food collage task
25.Country name garland for display
26.Writing booklet cover for pupils work
27.Holiday shop task – outdoor play activity
28.Holiday words treasure hunt and balancing activity
29.Map and city naming - cut and stick activity
30.Map of the world
31.Map of continent
32.Map of country
33.Card matching game or traditional snap game
34.Regional cuisine of Mexico poster
35.Country culture knowledge quiz
36.Sort the days of the week worksheet (in Spanish)
37.Flashcards of numbers 1-20 on flags
38.Open and closed signs to be used in role plays
39.Passport template for children to complete
40.Reaching and stretching activity for quiz answers
41.Tour guide badges for role plays
42.Reward chart templates for children to draw their favourite local pictures on
43.Matching cards game – can be used as a matching pairs or snap game
44.Display flashcards shows months of the year in English and Spanish
45.Word search
46.Sentence writing activity
47.5 colourful borders to edge a display board
48.Photos of planes from different countries – great for role plays
49.Postcard template for pupils to complete
50.Story board template
Resources included are as follows:
Decorated alphabet letters A-Z (A5)
Decorated numbers 0-9 (A5)
Decorated question mark, exclamation mark, comma and full stop (A5)
Resources include:
•Multicultural face masks for doctors, nurses, midwife, parents and babies
•Many signs to display around your baby clinic role play area: welcome signs, areas around the centre such as examination room, changing room, toilets, nurses room etc.
•Open and closed signs and opening times poster
•Key word cards showing words about growing families: brother, sister, mother, crying, attention etc – great for display or for discussions
•Body parts flashcards – words relating to body parts of a baby, great for talking about being careful around a new baby
•Its and boy and it’s a girl greetings cards to colour in and envelopes to make to send cards
•Hand puppet template for children to draw babies on
•Long banner to head display and A4 lettering spelling Baby Clinic
•Colouring pages
•Doctor, nurse and midwife role play badges and wall posters to show who is todays doctors and nurses
•Diary to complete – for pupils to fill in about having a new baby in the family
•Writing booklet to keep pupils work together and themed writing pages with colourful borders
•Binder cover, spine labels and drawer labels to keep resources organised
•Acrostic poems to complete
•“My family got bigger” writing task
•“My mum is going to have a baby” writing task
•Lots of writing for purpose tasks – appointment cards, appointment lists for doctors and nurses, receptionist paperwork, patient records showing baby growth in height and weight etc, prescriptions to complete etc
•Backing paper and borders to make a great display or role play area
•Hand writing practise pages
•Thought and speech bubbles to use as evidence of role plays
•Number flashcards 1-20 with blue and pink prams
•Word search
•Word mat
•Useful images to add to display and role play area
Resources include:
•A4 lettering spelling ‘DIVERSITY’
•A4 lettering spelling ‘DIVERSITY’ with the corresponding section of the quote under the letter – e.g. D – different, S – skin etc.
•Diversity long banner
•Diversity Poster A4 size with diversity quote and cute pictures on – great for display – can be photocopied larger if needed
•20 A4 posters of multicultural children doing different activities together – for example “Together we….play outside”
•66 small images of different children from around the world
•A-Z flashcards with multicultural children images
•‘We all have feelings’ poster
•Wishing well for display
•Diversity tree and leaves with diversity related words on
•27 A4 multicultural faces with different emotions
•Display border with multicultural children’s images
•2 plain coloured borders to edge display boards – in red and blue to match lettering
•13 A4 posters / flashcards of different styles of homes in the UK
•10 A5 flashcards of different homes around the world.
•Poster pack – 30 A4 photo posters of different people doing different activities in festivals across the world.
•Braille alphabet poster
•Sign language alphabet poster
•Different abilities poster – showing children with additional needs – such as use of a wheel chair, hearing aid, glasses.
•95 A4 flags from around the world
•10 Multicultural face masks for use in role plays
•48 diversity words on leaves to make a diversity tree
•Blank leaves for a diversity display tree
•Drawing activity
•Diversity daisy activity – placemat to be kept at children's desks for them to discuss diversity and caring about others feelings
•Face mask templates for children to make their own multicultural face masks
•‘We all have feelings’ snap card game
•Make your own diversity wishing well and complete wish cards
•Diversity word search
•Flashcards of words from diversity quote for pupils to sequence
•Emotions faces for pupils to colour in
•Throw and catch activity
•Speaking activity
Resources include:
1.Multicultural face masks to use for emotions role plays
2.Reward charts to set pupils targets for learning, behaviour or controlling their emotions
3.Acrostic poem task about emotions
4.Angry and calm probability cards to use as an ice-breaker task
5.Emotions writing booklet cover to keep pupils work together neatly
6.Best day ever writing task with booklet insert
7.Worst day ever writing task with booklet insert
8.Blank faces for pupils to draw expressions on
9.Feelings tree – display including tree trunk and leaves with different emotions written on them to make any size display you wish
10.Blank leaves to add to feelings tree or get pupils to fill in
11.Blank speech bubbles to use for writing tasks or role plays
12.Blank thought bubbles to use for writing tasks and role plays
13.Drawing task – draw yourself happy and sad
14.Emotion faces and words matching cards for sorting activity and to help pupils to recognise each emotion
15.Large flashcards of different emotions – half A4 landscape with words happy, sad, angry etc
16.A4 size faces with different expressions to show emotions
17.A4 poster showing all emotions
18.A5 lettering spelling EMOTIONS
19.Emotions bunting to hang in classroom
20.Black and white faces for pupils to colour in each emotion
21.Small emotion flashcards with word and face pictures
22.Emotions snap card game or matching pair game
23.Each emotion writing facts cards for pupils to complete
24.Happy and sad door hanger for pupils to draw and colour great for showing parents/carers how the child is feeling
25‘How your words make me feel’ writing and drawing task great for discussing how our behaviour effects others emotions
26.Storyboard template for pupils to complete with a story from a different emotion theme
27.Cut and stick activity matching photos of people with how they feel
28.Discussion task about emotions
29.‘it makes me so angry’ worksheet to add to emotions booklet
30.Memory vocabulary game
31.Speaking and listening task encouraging pupils to talk about emotions
32.Throw and catch game to be used as an ice-breaker for emotions tasks
33.Make your own time out card creative activity
34.Certificates for pupils to be awarded for controlling their emotions or make extra effort to do so
35.Body responses to emotions worksheet to be added to work booklet
36.Word search
37.‘things that worry me’ task with booklet insert
38.Worst day ever writing task with booklet insert
39.Red display border to edge display
40.Blue display border to edge display
41.Yellow display border to edge display
Bright and colourful posters for the new 7 areas of early years learning:
1.Personal, Social and Emotional Development
2.Communication and Language
3.Understanding of the World
4.Physical Development
5.Expressive Arts and Design
8. A4 lettering is also included for all areas, great for creating classroom learning areas
This is a great poster pack for you to print to use for discussions and a great classroom display.
Each topic includes a main cover poster – then 4 matching posters that relate to that style of thinking, each with colourful borders and cute pictures. They are shown below:
I keep growing my ideas.
I step outside of my comfort zone.
I use my imagination.
I try other ways to do things.
I explain my ideas
I encourage others to get involved.
I find solutions.
I do my bit.
How can I find out more?
I wonder why?
What is the evidence?
What do others think?
I believe I can do this.
How can I do this better?
How did I do this before?
I will think of this sooner next time!
I know its up to me.
I can organise myself
I can get on with people.
I can stay calm.
We all do our bit.
We share out all the jobs.
We listen to each others ideas.
We all help each other.
Included on the disc are the following resources:
1.Interactive White Board Presentation – covering all the key facts about the country – such as history, geography, language, landmarks, tourism etc.
2.A4 posters of photos of different things around the country – such as monuments, landmarks, mountains, scenery, homes, people etc
3.Airport departure board for display
4.Display lettering to make a departure board for different destinations
5.Writing borders to frame written work
6.Counting 5 minute lesson starters
7.Animal flashcards of different animals specific to China
8.5 A4 posters showing different Chinese inventions
9.50 world flags in A4 size
10.Diary to complete – for activities, sight seeing, weather, food etc
11.Colouring pages of local foods, maps, activities, sites etc
12.Display flashcards with major topics relating to the country
13.A4 letters to spell out country name
14.Long banner with country name on to head a display
15.Chinese Zodiac wheel poster
16.Draw local lunchbox food task
17.Zodiac animals poster showing the animals from Chinese New Year celebrations
18.Blank luggage tag to complete
19.Blank speech and thought bubbles to complete in role plays
20.Flashcards for days of the week in English and Chinese and pronunciations aids.
21.Chinese art posters – showing traditional local art.
22.Extra large flag for display (Covering 3 x A4 pages)
23.Draw your favourite things from the country task
24.Flag colouring in pages
25.Great Wall of China A4 display poster
26.Country name garland for display
27.Writing booklet cover for pupils work
28.Holiday shop task – outdoor play activity
29.Holiday words treasure hunt and balancing activity
30.Map and city naming - cut and stick activity
31.Map of the world
32.Map of continent
33.Map of country
34.Country culture knowledge quiz
35.Binder cover, drawer labels, and resources box lables to keep all your resources organised
36.Flashcards of numbers 1-20 on flags
37.Open and closed signs to be used in role plays
38.Passport template for children to complete
39.Reaching and stretching activity for quiz answers
40.Tour guide badges for role plays
41.Reward chart templates for children to draw their favourite local pictures on
42.Matching cards game – can be used as a matching pairs or snap game
43.Display flashcards showing numbers 1-10 in English, Chinese and pronunciation aids.
44.Word search
45.Sentence writing activity
46.9 colourful borders to edge a display board
47.Photos of planes from different countries – great for role plays
48.Postcard template for pupils to complete
49.Story board template
50.Sports posters showing different sports played in China
Areas signs for different areas in the airport, directions signs, welcome signs, check in desk signs, boarding gate signs, luggage rules signs, departure and arrivals boards with lettering and common words, restricted items sign, digital clock for display with numbers to change.
35 A4 flashcards of different airport related things such as control tower, trolley etc, 100 flags from around the world A4, airport long banner, key words and definition flashcards, photo pack of airports, large lettering to head display or locate role play area, number flashcards, maps, photo pack of different planes, passenger number facts for UK airports.
Blank passport, luggage tags, games, collage, question writing, globe trotter activities, jigsaws of maps, flag activities, writing booklet, tourism writing task, snap card game, blindfold directions game, memory game, compass worksheet, treasure hunt, face masks, blank boarding pass, colouring pages etc
Resources include:
1.Long banners spelling ‘Building site’ and ‘construction site’
2.Extra large lettering to head display
3.Patterned and plain backing paper to use for display if needed.
4.Display border to edge wall display
5.Danger keep out long sign and A4 sign
6.10 multicultural face masks and hard hats to use for role play
7.Builder hand puppets
8.Colouring pages
9.Under construction sign
10.Work in progress sign and workman sign
11.Signs to use around the role play area, including: apology for maintenance work, warning, site entrance caution, danger construction site, digger
12.Fire exit, first aid, gloves to be worn, hard hats to be worn, high visibility jacket to be worn, keep out, visitors to reception, site entrance this way, wear boots sign etc
13.Site safety sign
14.Write for purpose sheets including design sheet, ideas sheet, inspection log, jobs to do list, customer feedback form, stock order form, message pad, sketch sheet, telephone bookings log etc
15.Role play badges
16.Resources folder and spine labels, drawer label
17.Resources sack tag
18.Extra large picture to use as props in role play
19.Key word cards with pictures
20.Machinery pictures
21.Extra large questions to display around role play area such as ‘What material do we need?’
22.Writing booklet cover to keep pupils project work together
Resources included are as follows:
PDF or PPT files for you to print.
100 reward charts to print. Each with a different picture or slightly different design.
Most are sized A4 but there are some which are pocket sized.
A range of characters and other designs are included.
Also includes large lettering spelling ‘well done’ to head a wall display.
Resources included are as follows:
PDF AND PPT files for you to print.
Sugar information pack discussing what sugar is, where it comes from, different names, foods with high added sugar etc.
70 A4 posters showing different foods with their calories content, sugar in grams and sugar in teaspoons. Foods include: cereals, cereal bars, desserts, breads, cakes, canned foods, sauces, chocolate bars, biscuits, condiments, jams, crisps, fruits tinned and dried, ice creams, yoghurts, ready meals.
Photo pack of foods, sugar plants etc.
Words flashcards – 42 cards showing different words for sugar that can be found on food labels.
Acrostic poem to complete, food diary, all about sugar booklet to fill in, mind map, sugar research task, word search, writing frames, sugar booklet cover to make into project, sentence writing sheet, shopping list to complete, tinned food drawing activity.
Display materials including borders, backing paper, large lettering and long banner to head wall display, sack tag.
This great pack of teaching resources includes everything you need to teach about the organs of the human body at key stage 2.
Information files about each of the major organs is included. They can be used on the whiteboard and read out as a class or can be printed and used for a great colourful history display. Files included are: brain, diet, ears, exercise and sleep, heart, kidneys, liver, eyes, lungs, skeleton, stomach, intestines, skin, teeth. Each file gives brief details about the organ, its position in the body and its function, as well as diagrams to demonstrate them.
Writing booklet covers, themed writing frames, label the diagram of body parts for organs and bones, acrostic poems, eye test chart, sign language and braille posters, x-ray images etc are all included.
Display materials have been added such as display borders, banners, backing papers, long banners to head display, lettering, display word cards etc.
Included are the following resources:
Interactive White Board Presentation – covering all the key facts about the country – such as history, geography, language, landmarks, tourism etc, several photo packs of French scenes, the Alps, homes etc, 100 A5 French flashcards with pictures, 8 inventions posters showing French inventions, European flags A4, days / months / common phrases flashcards, 50 A4 flashcards of famous French things, bingo game, colouring pages, flag tasks, drawing tasks, writing frames, display lettering, borders, buntings etc, sports tasks, writing tasks, craft tasks, key word display cards, large Eiffel Tower to make for display, famous painting picture pack by Renoir and Monet, maps of the world, Europe and France, treasure hunt game, cheeses flashcards, card matching game, quiz, bread and crepe recipes, number flashcards, reward chart, size order task, postcard template and other resources.
Resources included are as follows:
1.Large days of the week posters A4
2.Large months of the year posters A4
3.Large number posters A4 – 1 to 31
4.Large years posters A4 – 2015 to 2030
5.Large ordinal number posters A4 – 1st to 31st
6.Large weather symbols posters A4 – sunny, cloudy, windy etc
7.Large clothes posters A4 – sunglasses, wellies, coat, hat, gloves etc
8.Small days of the week flashcards
9.Small months of the year flashcards
10.Small number flashcards– 1 to 31
11.Small years flashcards– 2015 to 2030
12.Small ordinal number flashcards– 1st to 31st
13.Small weather symbols flashcards– sunny, cloudy, windy etc
14.Small clothes flashcards– sunglasses, wellies, coat, hat, gloves etc
15.Large letters to head a wall display
16.Backing paper to print, in matching colours if needed.
17.Long banner with title and multicultural faces.
18.A4 topic page to use for small display or add to folders or label resource boxes
19.5 patterned and plain display borders to edge wall display
20.Letters bunting
21.Resources sack label
22.Sunny day drawing activity
23.Clear day drawing activity
24.Rainy day drawing activity
25.Cold day drawing activity
26.Snowy day drawing activity
27.6 hand writing practice sheets for weather types
28.Large thermometer poster for display or discussion
29.All about the weather booklet to make
30.Mind map worksheet
31.Draw the weather symbols worksheet
32.Draw todays weather activity
33.Tall hart of weather for the month
34.Month flashcards with weather symbols to make suggestions of season (northern hemisphere)
35.Picture bunting
36.Table top chart – showing dates, days, months, years, weather words.
37.Weather symbols fan
38.9 writing or drawing frames for pupils work